Psalm 3:6 Faith that brings serenity

“אֲנִי שָׁכַבְתִּי וָאִישָׁנָה הֱקִיצוֹתִי כִּי יְהֹוָה יִסְמְכֵנִי”

“I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord will support me.”

Do you know the feeling of being so troubled / worried, you cannot fall asleep.

If you suffer from this, imagine now you lost all of your properties, dignity, you’re being chased after and the odds are that you will die tomorrow in the battle by your son.. sweet dreams?

Despite the above, David’s faith and confidence in HaShem brings him to such a serenity, he’s able to lie down and sleep peacefully.

Absalom had two choices, each presented by one of two advisers. Achitofel’s suggestion was not to lose a single moment, chase David right away while still exhausted and not ready for battle, unable to defend himself.
Chushai, who was in fact in favor of David, tried to persuade Absalom to wait a day before attacking David, since it won’t be wise to get into battle with ‘a wounded animal’, cornered in a way he’s got nothing to lose.

Absalom listened to Chushai’s advise. David was able to utilize these precious hours to sleep and to become stronger.